Fabrication 27: Romance
2 horns
duration 6'30"
I typically write music with fairly involved programmatic intentions along with forms that echo or
amplify them. However, I also enjoy music that simply unfolds a process or a ‘conceit’. Fabrication 27: Romance is a component part of a larger 32-movement cycle for various ensembles ranging from solos and duos to works for orchestra. These Fabrications explore more mechanical approaches to generating music. Each has a subtitle; a synonym of ‘fabrication’ which says something about the piece itself.
Fabrication 27: Romance is the "original" of Fabrication 2: Cut for solo tuba, which is a dislocated and interrupted instrumental version of this later piece.
see also Fabrications
Natalie Portman looks at me with her seductive eyes
and I lose my reason.
She beckons with one finger,
licks her ruby red lips,
and winks,
her eyes full of promise.
Natalie Portman looks at me with her sudective eyes
and I lose my reson.
She beckos with one finger
licks her rudy red lips
and winks, her eyes full of promise.
Natalie Portman looks at me with her sudectovi eyes
and I lose my reason.
She bockons woth on finger,
lickes her reby red libs
and winks, her eyes full of promis.
Natalie Porcman looks at mith weth her sudoctive eyes
and I lose my reason.
She bockons with oth finger,
licks her rpby red lpbis
and wings, her eyes full of promse.
Nataiel Pormtna looks at me eith her suedcitve eyes
and I lose my reason.
She beckons wmth on finger,
likes he ruby redy libps
and winks, her eyes wull of prsomie.
And I lose my reason.
Frederick Choi (b.1979) |